Moving To Da Nang

Are you in the process of relocating or thinking about moving to Da Nang, Vietnam?

Allow House in Danang to help you find that perfect place where you can feel both comfortable and at home. Whether you’re a traveling couple, family of five or young entrepreneur, we will find the apartment, condominium, house or new business locale that suits you the best. From its pristine beachfront and bustling city center to local neighborhoods and quiet, isolated corners, whatever atmosphere or experience you’re looking to have, we can help you find it in Da Nang.

Why Da Nang?

Da Nang is Vietnam’s biggest up and coming destination. Thanks to a total restructuring and serious facelift over the last five years, the city is now attracting more domestic and international tourists than ever. With this sharp influx in tourism come endless opportunities for those looking to settle in Da Nang… making now the perfect time to move!

For those who have never been to Vietnam’s central hub, you can expect to find all the conveniences, technologies and attractions of a modern, Asian metropolis. With beaches, mountains, a beautiful riverfront promenade, Western and Vietnamese restaurants, cafés and endless entertainment options, there’s something for everyone in this vibrant, transformed city. Combining both new world and old world Vietnam, you can have the modern experience when you want it, or the traditional Vietnamese experience when you don’t. Without the mass tourism, claustrophobic quarters and intense weather patterns of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Da Nang is one of the safest, cleanest and most appealing places to live in Vietnam.


As Da Nang locals ourselves, we know how the right home and area can either make or break one’s experience of Vietnam. That’s why we offer only the best houses on the market, work with the most reliable and trustworthy owners and keep our customers safety and satisfaction at top priority. We are a western-managed, locally run business that combines European standards and practices with local insights and knowledge. Our foreign-trained professionals are multi-lingual, well respected in the industry and most importantly, know the city back to front.

Years in the business have helped us find the best properties for the best prices, while establishing crucial relationships with property owners along the way. With a highly respected name in Vietnam’s real estate industry, customers can rest assured that they’re getting the best deal out there. Whether you’re looking for a three-month lease, ten-year contract or to buy a house/piece of property, our excellent staff will assist you every step of the way. With a large list of properties that is constantly growing, we’ll make sure to find you that perfect place in Da Nang.

Don’t let a bad housing experience be your first impression of living in Vietnam. Find your new home, business or vacation getaway with HOUSEINDANANG.COM.VN– you’ll be glad that you did.

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